Does Anyone Else See A Connection Here???

I can't turn the God Damn TV on now adays, or open a news paper or magazine with out the horrible state of our nations Obese Children staring back at me. Staring at me, telling me it's my fault there fat, that it's TV's fault for making them Lazy, that it's video games stripping away there ambition's, that hey have a glandular problem.
Now they have pretty much completely stripped the schools of junk food in the caffeterias and vending machines. How could I have been so stupid all this time. The answer was right there in front of my face.....VENDING MACHINES!!!! Of course, that one candy bar or bag of chips is causing our nations youth to explode in obesity. There I go again never seeing the obvious.....stupid, stupid, stupid me. (but not fat)
The only thing getting hurt with the vending machines being taken out of schools is the income of the person who ownes them. Well at least Mr. or Mrs vending machines kids won't be fat, because they won't have enough money eat anymore.. But I guess that's ok as long as the Governments feel like they've done something.
Of course if it was my decision I might be inclined to point my finger at the Insainly obese atrocity standing over them. The one buying the Groceries at the candy store. The one eating 6 meals a day infront of the TV watching Jerry Springer and drinking 6L of Pepsi a day. "But it's ok," they say, "It's only diet pepsi. FUCK YOU....Cow's eat grass all day and there fat..Find a better excuse.
So It's not ok to beat or neglect your child or social services will come and take them away, though it is OK to feed them into early heart disease or death.
My hat goes off to these parents for there complete lack of responsibility.
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