I saw this and just had to comment. I guess the first thing that came into my mind is, do retarted children actually think about fucking. Are we that imbedded with the natural instinct to reproduce and populate that even retarted children feel there loins burning for passion? All I can say is I hope so.
The image of two mentally retarted people (Kids or adults) going at it gives me a feeling of glee. A feeling like I just watched the best comedy of my life.
How akward can a sexual experience get you ask? Well picture Mr. Autism and Mrs. Syndrome, laying uncomfortably in a bed facing each other. Each one adorned in there favourite evening wear. (Most likely a diaper and a scuba diving mask). Neither one sure where to start or why there even there. All Mr. Autism knows is that his elephant trunk has been leading him to water, while Mrs. Syndrome lays motionless in her Scuba Diving mask thinking about the genius who discovered penut butter and jam were made for each other.
Eventually Mr. Autism let's the trunk out to get a drink, but instead of casualy sliding it into Mrs. Syndromes honey pot, he grabs it by both sides and begins pissing all over Mrs. Syndromes face. At that exact moment Mrs. Syndrome realizes wearing the scuba mask must have been fate and that her and Mr. autism were ment to be together like Peanut butter and Jam.
They lived a happy Life together pissing, laughing and clapping through there sexual escapades..
Well that's how I think it would happen.
At least it would be funny to see.
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