10: Go to a support meeting for Deaf People and act sympathetic while pretend that there Blind.
9: Go to a support meeting for Blind people and rob them.
8: Get a job as a day care worker.....(enough said on that one)
7: Get fired from my day care job and collect unemployment while plotting my next deviant act.
6: Have a group of naked fat people paint themselves like whales and organize a suprise parade through a busy down town district.
5: Take the next bible pusher that comes to my door and tie him down to a chair while I perform the worlds nastiest lap dance.
4: Magicaly replace all the Crack and Heroine in the world with estrogen pills.
3: Make a person with no arms do a hand stand at gun point.
2: Actually take the time to listen when people talk to me.. (most likely won't happen)
1: Have sex with a prostitute, tell her I love her and then propose just to try and get out of paying her for her services.
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