Some time ago.. Let's call it 1999 maybe in the month of June. I find my self in the capital of the great land we call Canada. I'm in Ottawa with my animation class for the international animation festival. Surrounded by artist of all walks of life, the visual history of our great country Is engulfing me with every breath and every sight.
Surrounded by culture and Art Myself and 24 other classmates decide the only thing we can do is hit up some of the local strip bars and really soaked in some culture. Within the hour we find ourselves at a local strip club...Fucking Culture wall to wall..big titted culture, little titted culture...short culture, tall culture....Even a few culture enthusiest that like inserting things into them selves...God bless exhibisionishts.
When suddenly A stripper comes out on stage wearing a very cute cowboy hat, assless chaps and a nice little frilly top with a bag in her hands. She immediatly say's she needs 5 voluteers to come up and sit in Pervey row. After making quite the scene i get picked as one of the lucky volunteers to sit and bask in perverted glory with 4 other complete strangers.
CowLady opens the bag and hands each one of us drunken cassanovas a super soaker squirt gun. So many things run through my head as she begins to dance and I watch these 4 fools shooting this unfortunate human being with what i hope was water.
After a minute of watching and wondering Cowlady stands with her back to us, bends over and grabs her ankles. The only thing you can see now is her asshole and cunt in our faces. So the Drunken quartet beging laughing and shooting her in the pussy. All I could think about at this moment was, what exactly when wrong in her life where she's standing on stage infront of 4 strangers getting shot in the asshole and cunt with super soakers. That's when i realized that I cannot shoot her in the privates, My mother would be so ashamed. So i look down at her Knees and stare into her depressing face and line up my sights, waiting, waiting patiently, Then it happened. She opened her eye's and WHAM i start pelting her in the eyes with my super soaker. She let's go of her ankles and falls over hidding her face from the onslaught of super soaker fire.
The entire bar erupts in laughter, everyone from the drunken old men to the 300Lbs bouncer standing at the door. Everyone but the cowLady that is. She wasn't too impressed, maybe due to the insane laughter, I don't know, all i know is she wasn't impressed.
Now sitting alittle further back on the stage with her legs spread and her head arched back pointing her tit's into the air. The 4 wonders continue to shoot her in the tit's and and cunny. (im sure these morons were giving each other high 5's with each successful shot to the box or tit). I once again sit patiently like a stone, waiting for the perfect shot. When suddenly cowLady rolls her head around and opens up her eyes.
BLAM WHAM BLAMMMmmm...Shot again in the face. Immediatly she rolls over onto her side covering her face from my deadly aim . LOL ...Deadly aim...hahah. The entire bar errupts in laughter while the deadly 4some continues to try and shoot her in what ever glimps of the strippers privates they can see on her defensive crumpled posture.
That's when i feel the tight grip on my shoulder, I look up and it the huge bouncer trynig not to laugh and he tells me if i do it again i'm gonna have to leave. He then chuckles and walks away. Far from the worst threat i've ever gotten in my life.
Feeling alittle let down thinking to myself, "This gowLady would rather be shot in the pussy, tit's and ass then in the face by complete strangers." I said fuck it. I stood up and starting off loading the remainder of water all over her. She starts running around the stage trying to avoid the line of fire when the bar explodes laughing. Suddenly i'm lifted right out of my seat into the air being moved towards the door. The bouncer hiding his face so the stripper dosen't she him laughing, even though you could see his whole chest shaking with laughter.
Dropped at the entrance i head down the stairs feeling like I was the winner in that battle when i hear, "HEY YOU!" I turn around and it's the bouncer chasing me down the street looking for the water gun back. HAHAHAH a 3 dollar water gun and she can't afford another one.. I don't know maybe it was going to hold some setimental value for her.
Stripper 0,
JonVon 1,
We will meet again.