So Mr. Mel Gibson, Detective Martin Riggs, William Wallace, 'Mad' Max Rockatansky, And now Anti-Semitic?? I'm not to sure on this new casting call for Mr. Gibson, Racist to the stars, bigot what ever you want to call it.
The only thing I see wrong with the drunken Statement is the reaction from the mass's, when they finally hear someone speak the truth about the state of the world.
I'm sure Booze pushed him over the edge a bit, definatly clouded his Judgement, maybe even pushed that extra little bit of hate into his words. But it still comes down to the fact that he was speaking his mind, saying what I think is hard to argue to argue against, "MOST OF THE WARS IN THE WORLD ARE CAUSED BY THE JEWS" Maybe not directly but they've always been involved in one way or another. From the Time of the Egyptians, through the Crusades, right up to our recent little Skirmish in lebanon.
The Name Jerusalem which means "City of Peace" seems pretty Ironic Given the state of the city ever since recorded history. No other Country or City has ever seen this much war. It's Disgusting to think About that all this killing, all these dead mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles and children is all over religion. All over a "GOD" that "LOVES EVERYONE" Well there God dosen't seem to love the innocent women and children that Are rocked ona daily basis by RPG's mortar fire and the rumbling of tanks through there city street.
I'll tell you what I would like to see. I would like to see a Priest or Minsiter or the Mother fucking Pope himself walk down the streets of war torn Lebanon or Israel picking up pieces of dead children and tell me if he found God under any of them.
Any person who is Ignorant enough to worship a God that permotes Such Savage acts Deserves to Die. Screw you and your God....Actually god..(he dosen't deserve my caps) The only Race or nationality that will ever truly find god will be the winner of this religious war. (if that happens)..But it won't be because the deserve it, it will be a default decision due to the fact that there the last people standing.
Apparenty the 10 commandments were only ment for none muslim and Jewish Extreamist.
So yes I support Mr. Gibson in his voiced opinion, I will actually take that a step further and say I support and agree with him. It took alot of booze and a DUI but the truth is finally out. Thankyou mister Gibson.
I've also found a really entertaining south Park Mel Gibson parody I like... Nothing to really do with this..But it's fucking Halarious..
Thank you world for reminding me once again about all the things i hate about Organized Religion.
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