Once upon A time There was a Beautiful Princess, And her Handsome Prince. They Were Happy Together Spending all there Free Time frolicking and Dancing, eating wild boars and staring longingly into each others eyes.....Then, He Head Butt the Beast.

One thing i've learned people through my various sexual exploits Is that Head butting a girl in the nose as fore play sometimes get's the job done. This is my favorite Sexual encounter story....I would like people to note that it's not my favorite Sexual experience..But it's defiantly one of the funniest sexual stories I have. There Is NOTHING SEXY or EROTIC about this.
Week after week the same girl (who will remain nameless) would drive my and everybody else home from the bar, conviently dropping me off last every night. Dropping me off last and trying to make some advances on me. Though I was having Nothing to do with this fluxuating fatty...Until...LOL one night I just happened to be drunk enough. Sure I could have just stop taking rides with her..Stopped talking to her...But in my broken drunken Mind, I was sure that if i fucked her good and hard that would be the end of it....We'll I was wrong...So so so wrong...*sniff* *tear*
So I find my self in my mothers basement(classy i know), drunk Sitting on the couch of dirty secrets, staring drunkenly up at this wollap of a woman hovering over me with a crazed sex look that warrants drool. The little voice in my head Saying, "Just do it, get it over with, it won't be that bad." when my thoughts are instantly interrupted and pinned down by the now shirtless, slobbering Beauty perched ontop of my lap.
She immediatly stands up and reaches down and grabs a hold of my shirt to pull it off of me.. (Because thats what i was really looking forward to..SKIN ON SKIN action) But myself being drunk and not really knowing what Was going on thought she wanted me to stand. Though why stand when you can jump up as fast as you can. So I jump up as fast as a drunken frightened skinny boy can and then it happened......*WHAAMMMMM* The top of my head smashes into her down ward looking face...Not just the face, but the nose and mouth. Instantly wrapping her hands around her face she falls to the couch making noises reminiscent of a whale and cattle Opera. MMMMUUUUWWWWWWAAAAHHHHH....MMMMUUUUUWWWAAAAHHhhh.
At a loss for words staggering left and right semi shirtless, I do the one thing that felt right..Instantly begin to Laugh. Staring at her, giggling like a drunk clown at an elementary school fuction, she pulls her hands away from her nose and mouth and mumbles, "is it ok?"
BLOOD EVERYWHERE....That's what i see. Running down across her newly fattened lip arcoss her chin and dripping on her Tits. Now if that's not Comedy then I don't know what is. So I don't say anything and just begin laughing again. Harder and louder until she said, "can you get me something to clean this up.!!"
I work my way down the hall and retrieve a roll of paper towel...(no soft moisturized kleenex here) Standing in the bathroom door i throw it at her. HAHAHA why i threw it I don't know...But HAHAHA. A good 20 minutes go by while the Fluxuating shirtless Fatty get's control of the blood faucet on her face. Laughter still continues from my end making the situation barable for her i'm sure.
The floor now covered in Bloody paper towel The shirtless wonder looks to me with only a fat lip to remind me of the whollap i gave her and says as she begins rubbing her tits and cunny, " are you ready?"
HAHAHAHAHA...Not sure what to do with all the possible implications running through my head...I come to the only noble thing i can think of.
I fucked her.
And i will never regret it.
Jonvon Long Dong strikes again.
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