I did this little chart up to show where I think the fate of our country and the world is going with his rolay dictator Stephen Harper at the helm of our once great and beautiful country.
Click to enlarge chart.
I can't get over this Harper Government. It's disgusting and obvious he's trying to turn our own Great nation of Canada into the United States. I would just like to discuss a few highlights from the budget that stuck me as alittle odd.
1. $161 million for increased Boarder control.
WTF??? who and what do we need $161 million dollars to protect ourselves from at the boarder? We'll we only boarder with one country the USA and I don't think Pals Harper and Bush need that kind of protection from each other.........But maybe, Just maybe because the USA has insane, overly protected boarder patrols and security, Harper thinks we need it also..Since the man can't think for himself I would say this is very likely. And of course there is always the FEAR angle. Make people think there is a threat and you can get away with anything, as long as the people think it's in there best interest.... THREAT LEVEL ORANGE PEOPLE...FEAR FEAR FEAR....Well DAMN we better just invade someone. FUCK YOU HARPER...give the money to a food bank, where it's actually needed.
2. $5.5 billion...BILLION..BILLION!!! To increase our Armed Forces!!
WOW!! WOW!! That's alot of medic packs to hand out. Maybe we could use the money to go to starving countries and build well's and Farms, help rebuild there agriculture back up so they can support themselves and stop killing each other for food. Take away peoples reason to fight and what are we left with??? Well if your Bush, a war in Iraq for Oil...But not everyone is a Dictator.....DON'T BE A DICTATOR HARPER YOU DICK!!
3. $450 million to Aboriginals for education programs for families, safe water and better housing.!!
Hey over here Government..Yup me the little guy in the corner. You know i was born here also in this great land. I work hard, pay my bills and respect my fellow man. Though sometime i find it hard to pay my bills or rent, or don't always have money for food. How about giving me a free house and education (or at least better rates on my student loan).....Oh wait I understand, I haven't bitched or complained enough or embarassed the government enough to have this little problem of mine paid off and swept under the rug. Out of sight and out of mind.
I work for what I have and so should they.
4. Child care, Sports tax, Transit tax, TAX TAX TAX....
I'm a single white male. Steadily employeed and a hard worker. So where are my big breaks? How about a break in Incom tax's? like your giving to the unemployeed lower class just so they don't feel penalized for working...touchee...let's support the leeches of the welfare system. FUCK YOU.
I could go on but it just makes me angrier and angrier the more i write about it.
So say good bye to Canada "our home and native land" because with Harper in control and the conservatives it's begun...We are turning into the dictating, fear permoting, selfish USA.
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