WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!!! First off before everyone get's there hate on for me and my Infinate Racism, I would like to say I'm not a racist. Shit bothers me and I speak my mind, and this shit bothers me.
The once so Noble and pround Indians of North America (seen above) are a huge part of our heritage. There legacy deserves respect and admiriation I believe. Though I also believe that the half Indians or quarter Indians that live on the reserves all over our great country do not deserve anything that isn't earned. Sure we came to your land, burned your Tee-Pee's (lol tee-pee), mated with your women and wiped out your food supply so we could sell the furs for profit. But that was then and this is now. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!! YES, it did happen, no one is denying it.
But they won't get over it and the Government isn't making it anybetter by giving them land, houses, food, cars....Basically what ever they want! I don't really blame it all on the Natives, If the government wanted to give me everything i needed to survive i wouldn't complain...Shit, i might even quit my day job. No need in working for anything when it's all provided. I might as well throw ambition right out the window, Won't be needing that anymore.
Now that the Government has them where they want them, swept under the rug, out of sight and out of mind, life can again continue. But SUPRISE!!! it dosen't!! Now they want more land, more hunting rights, more money..more more more!!! Well all I can say to that is, if your going to spoil your child expect him to stomp his feet when he wants a better bigger present for christmas, and they want.
Though the greatest present they've been given in my opinion is a FREE EDUCATION!! Maybe this hasn't been explained to them, the intricate workings of a proper education...But i'll try to expline it the best way I can.
ed·u·ca·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (j-kshn)n.
The act or process of educating or being educated.
The knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process.
A program of instruction of a specified kind or level: driver education; a college education.
The field of study that is concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and learning.
An instructive or enlightening experience: Her work in the inner city was a real education.
Now i'm sure that might be alittle confusing at first, so I thought of a soloution that may help you understand. Explained in Native reserve talk.
Jimmy "drink like a fish" a-walk-walk just spent his whole monthly allowance on cheap booze and smokes, and now he has no more money till next month. If Jimmy "drink like a fish" a-walk-walk had an education he could make his booze and smokes and have enough for a life time.
Basically it's take alittle pride in yourself, stop accepting handouts from the Government, start making a better example for your kids and at leasttry to make the appearance of wanting more for yourself and stop being STUPID INDIANS!! Show the people of this country that you do want more then what's given to you. Show us you want what is earned and deserved.
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