63 and
I saw this on the news this morning and it turned my stomach just alittle. A 63 or 64 year old woman is going to have a baby. Now I hope that i'm not alone in saying, "THAT'S JUST WRONG."
And to top it all off she wasn't even pregnated the traditional way, she had to go and get artificialy inseminated. Not that she couldn't find an eager grandpa willing to ride that wild horse, Hell i would have done it just for the media coverage. But alas, being a single, lonely widower she opted for Insemination.
Now just to make it clear with everyone, my problem dosen't lay with the insemination, but with the depressing, abandoned and isolated life of this soon to be orphan. Why the hell would anyperson want to do that to a child. I'm aware that accident do happen and sometime old people do have kids and raise them well into there 20's. Though the odd's are definatly staggering over top of them, that they will even live to see them make it to junior high. But to willingly go out and inseminate yourself with child at that age is absolutley disgusting.
I Figured I could make a small list of potential problem I forsee:
1. Mother dies during delivery, from sever stain on her system due to pregnancy
2. Baby dies inside of the withered old uterus due to malnurishment
3. Baby is born but soon chokes to death because the mother is to arthritic to run for help.
4. Kid commits suicide at the age of 6 due to a whole new breed of YOUR MOMMA JOKES
5. Mother dies, though the shelterd childs mind snaps and we have another norman bates.
6. Child beats mother to death after eating one too many hard candies and cups of tea for lunch.
7. Child is home schooled in the fine art of the PRICE IS RIGHT and can never find real work and dies very poor.
8. Child is caught masturbating to JC penny catalogues but mother can't explaine the birds and the bees because she was artifically inseminated.
9. Everyday's a new day when you have alzheimer's
10.Trying on your mothers clothes never fucked a child up more.
Apparently you don't get more mature and responsible with age.
Well done lady
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